Brian's Pumpkin Party/Weighoff 2004

Please contact me if you see errors in this.

Let's see, what'll it do? 500? Yes, I think more than 500!"

What a great day we had for a weighoff. There were at least 100 people in attendance. The local television news channels were well represented:

Here is my own entry. Elise is sitting on it and chasing off all intruders...

Brian soon found himself being interviewed by "Local News 8". Blake Christensen looks on...

Not to be outdone, next Blake was being interviewed by Eyewitness News 3. The low-rider pumpkin he is sitting next to went way heavy at 641.

Jeff Danielson won the "pepo" contest with this amazing 87.5 pound Howden Biggie:

Here is the Benson family with their 413.5:

Mine weighed in just slightly heavy at 468. Yes, that's a PB.

Steve Sorenson showed off this beautifully colored 536:

We were all hoping that Brian would break his own record. Everyone let out a disappointed, "Ah!", when the number 777 was revealed.

But the day was a smashing success! Sorry that some are not visible in this photo, but everyone standing here had entered something in the competition!

Cliff Warren